Popular belief may have you thinking that production jobs are few and unrewarding, but nothing could be further from the truth. Openings in career fields like food manufacturing jobs, robotics, and rigid packaging continue to soar as these fields expand. However, these sectors are lacking in qualified applicants and desperately need more capable employees to fill positions. As these production industries continue to expand, rumors and misconceptions will inevitably swirl, keeping interested candidates away for no justifiable reason. The following outlines the facts of production work as well as the many rewards that an employee can reap from pursuing a job in this industry.
1. There are many opportunities for veterans.
Veterans deserve to live in security that they will have a job awaiting for them when they come home for good. The recruiting services in the production industry see to it that there is a comfortable and secure niche for them in these jobs. Employers in this field are especially enthusiastic about veteran employees and say the top five skills they bring include self-discipline, respect, leadership, attention to detail and teamwork. What’s more, thirty four states in total have adopted rules to waive the “behind the wheel” tests for veterans who drove trucks in the armed services.
2. The packaging industry is booming.
This production industry in particular is expanding and is liable to continue this trend in the coming years with hopes to fill supply chain jobs. Flexible packaging remains the second highest packaging segment in the U.S., accounting for around 18% of the $145 billion packaging market. On the whole, this industry employs 79,000 people. In particular, 58% of the shipments in flexible packaging are for food service, a must when it comes to keeping food sanitary and fresh. This further ties in packaging with food manufacturing jobs.
3. The production industry is ripe with opportunity, but lacking in qualified applicants.
As mentioned, the production industry which includes flexible packaging and food manufacturing jobs, is in desperate need of more qualified applicants. In today’s job market it can be hard to find willing candidates despite the fact that unemployment is still up. There are many benefits to seeking a job in production, one of which being the pay that exceeds most other hourly jobs at $11.95 an hour. The number of respondents claiming a shortage of skilled candidates has dropped from 76% in 2013 to 71% in 2014- still, it remains a problem.
There are many incentives for considering a job in production work for all ages of people. Being part of a booming industry that will continue to expand into the coming years provides a secure and stable work structure, something most employees will find to be the most important.