In many parts of the country this is the time of year when you can only dream about planting trees and starting this year’s vegetable gardens. And while you can order your seeds, your plant root stimulators, and other kinds of products, it will still be two or three months before you can really get your hands dirty and start to work.
From researching frost susceptible crops to studying harvesting tips for your favorite vegetables, there are a number of ways that you can begin working on your garden and yard plans, even when the snow is still falling in your area of the country. In fact, like many plans that work out the best, gardening research can help you create the best harvest this fall.
When Was the Last Time That You Planted a Raised Vegetable Garden?
It may still be awhile until the you can visit outdoor nurseries and select the flowers that you want for your own garden, but you can still start making plans. From planning for the seeds that you will order for your flower bed to the research that you can conduct on what kinds of trees grow best in your region, there is a lot or information that you can examine as you wait for planting season.
Did you know, for instance, that most tree roots stay in the top 18 inches of soil. This means that plant root stimulator watered in on a scheduled basis can help you give the greatest advantage to many of the trees, bushes, flowers, and vegetables that you want to grow this year.
When was the last time that you planted a full vegetable and flower garden. Maybe this year will be the one where you make the most of your gardening time. In 2018, the plant and flower growing industry was worth around $13.5 billion, a decrease of 0.7% annually over the last five years. Many of these purchases were planned for while winter was still playing havoc in many parts of the country.
If you are getting spring fever even while the winter winds are still blowing and the snow is still falling, it might be time to start dreaming of this spring and start planning your garden and landscaping plans.