Even on the coldest of days, fire and emergency services equipment (FES) are still necessary. From the fires that start when someone is using a space heater or relying on an oven for extra warmth to the many times when special operational equipment is needed for car wrecks, there are many times when it is necessary to rely on important services.
Beyond the residential and individual needs, fire and emergency services equipment government contracts also require a number of important kinds of machines, services, and specialized equipment. In fact, when it is time to order new kinds of equipment for a government office there are some very specific steps when it is important that the best guidelines are followed.
FES Products Help All Kinds of Offices and Agencies More Safe
Special operations support tactical equipment pieces play important and essential roles in many parts of our lives. Not only on military bases, but also in many public spaces and agencies, it is required that workers have the right kind of safety equipment. In an effort to avoid and put out small fires, for instance, all public spaces need to have the right kind and size of extinguishers. Knowing that these operational solutions are in place can help many people remain safe when they are at work or out in public places.
Consider some of these other facts and figures about the many times when the need for organizational clothing and individual equipment can help companies of all size meet the required safety guidelines:
- Known as Special Item Numbers (SINs), the GSA Security Schedule includes more than 100 subcategories.
- Government buyers spent nearly $1.2 billion through the GSA Security Schedule in fiscal year 2017.
- Amounting to more than $1 billion in high-quality vehicles and automotive services, GSA procures more than 65,000 vehicles every year.
- Divided as contracts that are categorized by industry, the GSA Schedules program is broken down into approximately 30 different schedules.
- As well as prefabricated structures, GSA’s Buildings and Building Materials Schedule 56 Contract provides the federal government with a source for quality industrial services and supplies.
Government agencies, businesses of all sizes, and all public spaces are regulated by many safety guidelines. When it comes to ordering the necessary safety equipment it is important to make sure that businesses are ordering from the most reliable and affordable source. Many times the GSA security schedule is the perfect resource.