One major decision that any bookmaker knows about it choosing binding materials. There are a wide variety of binding options currently available. Knowing more information about types of binding will help you make a more informed decision. Print still represents about 80 percent of all book sales in the world which makes the right binding important for your sales. In this post, we will discuss what types of binding there are and what features make these bindings special.
- Plastic Binding ? This type of binding has grown in popularity because of its low cost. Another advantage of using a plastic binding machine is that it can work at a fast rate. The way that plastic binders are built features additional space for text or branding purposes. Plastic binding is widely seen in the medical community but has gained popularity across many professions.
- Coil Binding ? Using a coil to bind to your documents helps to give any publication a professional appearance. Coil binding will need to have documents with pre-punched holes. Some find that needing to have your document prepared can take too much time. However, machines can easily and efficiently get holes punched into your document. Coils for bookbinding can come in many different colors which can be a big benefit to some. No matter what color you choose, coil binding machines can have you publication ready quickly.
- Wire Binding ? While wire binding might not have the color options of coil binding, it does still maintain a sense of professionalism. This type of binding can use two wires to create the effective double loop appearance. However, if you have a particularly large publication to bind, you may want to look elsewhere. While automatic wire binding machines can work quickly, there are limitations to know about. Larger books with thousands of pages should consider using another binding method.
- Thermal Binding ? This form of binding is drastically different from the previously seen binding methods. Wire binding machines insert curled wires into the spine of your publication. The thermal binding uses a special glue used to bound books together. Once the glue is within the spine of a book, it is heated to hold your publication together, while allowing you to turn the pages. Thermal binding is a recent innovation that shows that print is still alive and well. The print industry is actually eight times larger than the industry of video games. In addition, print is even a larger industry than the world of auto manufacturing.
In conclusion, there are many types of binding to choose from when printing a publication. Recent research shows that 59 percent of people find print to be more engaging than reading something online. The content of your book may engage the reader but a good binding will ensure they keep reading. Plastic binding is inexpensive and offers many customization options, including the use of text on the binding. Coil binding is a professional binding choice but you will need to have holes already punched in your publication. Wire binding machines can be well utilized for small to large scale publications.