Every purchase through a school needs to be approved by many school officials. With tight and strict school budgets, it can be difficult to get a large spend approved. However, if you can prove the benefits of the product and how it can save the school money or bring in additional funding, it can be easier to get it through the school board. A school marquee is one of those purchases that can be costly up front but can actually provide the school with many financial advantages.
Increased student enrollment
Parents can drive by a school daily and not realize that it is there. People are often so focused on their drive that they do not pay close attention to their surroundings. If you rely on funding by increasing student enrollment counts, a school marquee is a great way to do this. You can use the school marquee to highlight benefits of the school such as low tuition rates, the school?s ratings, and any offered extra curricular activities. A school marquee works similar to business signage in providing community awareness.
Increased funding through donations
Schools often need very specific of items and rely on donations to fill these needs. Individual teachers might send out a letter to parents, asking for donations. Otherwise, teachers and other school professionals are left paying for student supplies out of their own pockets. When you use LED signs with the school marquee, you can notify both parents and the community of the school?s needs. You are much more likely to fill your needed donation list.
Increased attendance at fundraising events
Additionally, schools often have fundraising events to raise additional funding for specific groups. The school might hold a dance and sell tickets to raise money for a certain class. The parents might sell concessions as a football game to raise money for the football team. A school club might organize a community car wash to raise money for an upcoming field trip. These types of events rely on attendance at the event to be successful. With full color LED signs placed in front of the school, the event is marketed to more people than ever. Approximately 85% of regular businesses customers live or work within a five mile radius of its location. Think of all the people you could reach for your upcoming event.
More job applicants
Schools are constantly attempting to fill open positions, whether it is for teachers, after school coaches, office staff, of even cleaning janitors. Constantly placing job ads and scheduling interviews can drain the school?s resources and put a financial strain on the school. Community members do not often think about applying for a job at the local school, so job applicants might be limited. A lack of qualified candidates usually means higher retention rates. When you use LED signs for business, you can advertise job openings to the community.
Important messages for parents
Parents do not always pay attention to Email, which tends to be the common communication method of schools today. When the school is scheduled to be closed on a day they would otherwise be open, they have to keep enough staff around to handle students that still show up. With electronic school signs, however, can get important school messages to a greater number of parents.
The value of an onsite ad is the same as 24 full page newspaper ads each year. When you are a school organization with a limited budget, any amount of cost savings is beneficial. Utilize school marquees to increase your fundraising dollars, increase attendance at events, and get important messages to parents. The cost of the new school marquee will quickly pay for itself and so much more.