Ideally, your older daughter would already have a job. The fact that she graduated in December, however, means that working for temp agencies is a good option. With her skill set in secretarial work and her education in human resources she is hopeful that by working with temp agencies she will find the kind of job that she is looking for. As a new graduate, the main concern is having a source of income and the staffing companies that she has visited with indicate that they can keep her pretty busy. The goal is for her to find a permanent position by the first of February, but the flexibility of working temp jobs will allow her to visit with relatives over the holidays and still start earning some needed cash.
Many Workers Have a Variety of Reasons for Wanting Temporary Job Assignments
Whether you are a new graduate looking for employment agency that can help you get a variety of job experiences or you are just looking for a way to earn some extra cash over the holidays, a staffing agency is often a good fit. Consider some of these facts and figures about the role that staffing agencies have in the nation’s economy and in connecting workers with companies that are hiring:
- 3 million contract and temporary employees work for America?s staffing companies during an average week.
- 30% to 150% of the employee?s salary is the average cost of employee turnover.
- 22% of new hires leave their jobs within 45 days of being hired.
- 46% of human resources professionals indicate that retention is their greatest concern, followed by their second greatest concern which is employee engagement at 36%.
- Likewise, 57% of organizations view employee retention as a problem.
- New hires who are provided a structured on-boarding program are 58% more likely to be with the company after three years.
The beginning of a new year is a time when many companies are looking for new hires. It is also a time when many new college graduates are in search of a new career opportunity. In many cases, a temporary staffing or placement agency is a good fit for matching those individuals are looking for work with companies who are looking for employees.