Day: August 27, 2018

Valve Sealed Bags What are they and Why are they Used

Coffee is an important part of the day for many people. More than half of all Americans over the age of 18 drink coffee each day with the average amount of coffee being just a little more than 3 cups. No matter what the reason is for choosing coffee, everyone can agree on one thing. The packaging of coffee bags is most definitely distinct and unique. This isn’t so much done just for custom printed coffee bags, or paper coffee bags. Valve sealed bags, or coffee bags with valve seals serve a purpose. Read below to see what some of those reasons are and what purpose the valve on valve sealed bags holds for consumers.


Yes coffee beans are typically roasted before being placed into a bag, but they still emit gases after bagging and during the shipping process. These gases can last for up to two weeks. If there was no valve on your coffee bag then these gases wou