With a world population of 7.6 billion humans, livable space has become a major issue. Shipping containers provide an innovative and unique alternative to standard housing, which can be costly and hard to find. Human beings have become so creative in their search for solutions to such problems that they’ve developed specialty projects, such as turning a 300 sq/ft cube into a shipping container house! These climate controlled containers can be decked out with modifications, from the inclusion of windows and doors all the way to the simple but personal decision to change the paint color.
Or maybe you just need a suitable space for a mobile office, or a portable office? Steel shipping containers and storage containers can provide the perfect environment, at an almost always cheaper price than buying a home. The general public has started to buy used shipping containers as a cost effective alternative to pricey living situations. Considering the fact that there are approximately 11 million shipping containers sitting unused around the world, the possibilities are endless!
Container pop up shops and portable concession stands made from storage containers create a unique, one-of-a-kind vibe and would draw attention at the very sight. Equally important (if not more) is the environmental impact of reusing these metal giants: around 3,500 kg of steel are recycled when you buy used shipping containers. That 40 foot shipping container is also saving traditional building materials by eliminating the need for them, not to mention that these containers can last for up to 20 years if they’re regularly maintained. Why build something from scratch when an entirely useful structure already exists that can be re-purposed and revamped to suit your needs?
This isn’t to say that shipping containers are limited to exist exclusively as renovated living and work spaces. People who buy used shipping containers for their remarkable storage features soon find out just how much can be held within. For example, 20 and 40 foot containers can hold 3,500 to 8,000 shoe boxes, respectively. On an industrial level, they can be used to ship and transport goods worldwide. One of the largest container ships in the world can hold 18,000 storage containers and would dwarf the Eiffel Tower if you were to stand it on its end. Imagine how much cargo you could move with that kind of space!
The urge to buy used shipping containers has increased with the knowledge of their relative affordability and seemingly limitless uses. So, what can you make with storage containers? You tell me!