What does a freight broker do?
In 2013, truckers transported close to 15 billion tons of cargo. Reports from the Bureau of Labor Statistics states that by 2040, those numbers are expected to grow up to to 18.79 billion tons. Shipping is growing constantly with the way people have started shopping mostly online throughout the past ten years.
Freight shipping is done using carriers and businesses shipping products. A broker system can arrange transport for all of the items in your inventory and act as the sole middle man dealing with the ins and outs of shipping. A non-asset based freight company doesn’t own any of the assets like warehouses and trucks, they simply organize the shipping for companies by maintaining the transportation management software or brokerware and ensure everything gets from point A to point B. Non-asset based freight brokers can access the shipments and trucks to ensure everything is being handled appropriately.
When planning to use a freight company for your shipping needs you need
All you need to Know about Freight broker software
The freight forwarding business is one of the most dynamic industries we have today. According to statistics, trucking transported cargo amounted to about 15billion tons in 2013. Reports compiled by Bureau of Labor Statistics stipulate that the number is anticipated to rise to 18.79 billion tons by 2040.
These rates are attributed to the invention of more efficient and cost-effective tools which enable the logistics businesses to run smoothly. One of them is the freight broker software that is designed to provide quick operations.
Use of freight brokerage software
Did you know that you can manage your freight more efficiently using freight brokerage software? There is a lot that freight brokerage software can do for your business. You can take advantage of the special freight management software to steer your businesses to the next level.
The freight broker software is designed to track every activity i