Day: April 19, 2019

Steel Production Continues to Play an Important Role in the US Economy

We have all seem the large semis on the interstate carrying large loads of cold rolled steel sheets and other kinds of supplies. Few of us, however, realize what sheet piling companies use all of this material for. From the buildings that we work in to the roads that we drive to the bridges that we cross, there are many ways that sheet piling companies play important roles int he lives that we live.
In the year 2016 the world produced more than 1,600 million tones of steel. In the U.S. as we see the infrastructure in many parts of the country deteriorating we begin to understand the importance of steel production if we want to continue to live our current lifestyles. We work in high rise buildings, live in multi story apartment buildings, and take our families on vacations to theme parks filled with roller coasters. And while the sheet piling companies may produce items that