In this video, you will learn about workplace diversity. When we talk about diversity, we tend to do it in a bland way. People don’t really want to talk about it. It is a problem that needs to be solved, but no one wants to discuss it.
When companies hire certain people, they can check off boxes so they can show people they are not homophobic, sexist, or racist. Discrimination is huge as we are facing more crises. What is not changing in the face of power. The people on TV and in management are still the same. Institutionalised sexism is a real problem. Institutionalized racism is also a big issue. Studies show if you have a foreign-sounding name, you’ll have a harder time getting a job. You are 14% less likely to get a job if you have a foreign-sounding name. There are so many studies that show that increasing diversity in a company make for a more successful company. Racially diverse teams outperform ones that are not. We know that the corporate world needs to change. We know there is a business case for changing. Yet, nothing is changing. If you want to learn more, keep watching this video.