Finding the ideal job can be quite the difficult and overwhelming endeavor. While society has set out what is supposed to be the formula to follow in order to obtain the job that will bring you the most success, it often does not work out as planned. Study hard, get good grades, get into a good university, use your degree to get a job that will pay for the car, house, wardrobe, and other indicators of so called success.
But not everyone who follows this formula finds the success they envision, and fewer people are seeking that traditional route of success. In fact, when you take a step back to look at the big picture, success is and should be completely subjective. What one person aspires to could be the very thing that another strives to avoid. Learning to step away from the old models and ideas of success could be the first step in helping to remedy and rebuild the many broken systems in our world.
Temp services that fill in the gaps
For many people, finding a job involves a lengthy process of submitting endless applications, scheduling interviews, and sometimes starting several different jobs that do not end up being a good fit. Finding a good temp service allows you to be placed in a job that has the potential to turn into something long term, or gives you a bit of flexibility in that it is a temporary position.
Temp jobs are often a great jumping off point for many, and sometimes, they give individuals a better idea of full time, permanent jobs that they would like to pursue. There are a wide variety of temporary employment agencies, and if you find yourself heading to a staffing company of this nature to find a job, it is best to go with an open mind in order to better your chances of landing something that will fit you well, potentially in the long run.
Fostering a good work environment for all
Temp services often help employers find workers quickly in order to keep things going when extra hands are needed, and sometimes this is a result of an employee retention problem. Some businesses continuously pull in temporary employees because they are having issues hanging on to long term workers. There are a number of factors that play in to this, and when it comes to a good work environment that is productive and pleasant for everyone involved, it takes active participation from both the employer and the employees.
Keeping attitudes positive and people productive
It has been estimated that around 22% of new employees don’t stick around past the first 45 days of being hired, and for any number of reasons, but ultimately it comes down to the job and individual not being a good fit for each other. Nearly half of human resources professionals have reported that retention is their main concern when it comes to employment, and about 36% of these types of professionals say that employee engagement is a major issue. The good news is that there is plenty that can be done to remedy these problems.
About 86% of companies that have programs recognizing employees and their accomplishments report seeing an upswing in the happiness of their employees. Another approach, which at this point feels like it should be rather obvious, is the focus on diversity in the workplace. One study showed that companies that were gender diverse were 15% more likely to go above and beyond, performing better than their peers. The same is true of ethnically diverse companies, though they are 35% more likely to outperform those who do not have those diverse environments.
There are paths to better jobs and better work environments, and they could begin with the right temp services. Currently there are over 3 million temporary workers employed by staffing companies across the country over the course of an average week. Aligning the right workers possessing the right work ethic, with the right employment opportunities, could start to turn everything around.