You have been searching to find out if anyone else have issues with their microwave frequently tripping the arc fault breaker in these new track homes? You reported this on your warranty and a local electric company checked it out and said it is very common with the particular brands of microwaves that the builder puts in these particular homes. And since the arc fault breaker is code in your area, so it’s appears to be the responsibility of the manufacturer to do something to the microwave to eliminate this issue. You have a service call scheduled for next week, but in the mean time you are wondering if anyone else has this issue and if they have found a way to make sure that it has been resolved.
And while your husband says that this problem is merely a minor inconvenience you want to get this taken care of as you are coming up on the one year anniversary of being in your home. It is super annoying as the microwave will fault out even when heating up water for a baby bottle, which seems like it should be a pretty simple task.
You are also concerned because you have been reading that repeated trips can desensitize the unit so then you run the risk of higher electrical volumes than the system is designed to have, which could lead to potential heated wires and possible fires.
Bad circuit boards can cause arcs to trip even on other circuits. In a previous home you had one that was a bad fridge board trip an arc fault, a bad cable remote trip the arc every time a certain button was pushed, and a bad tread mill board trip them. You refer to these circuit boards as bad because each board and the remote once fixed solved the problem.
And while you realize that the fact that other people may be having the same problems is not really a comfort, you are anxious to know if any of these people find solutions.
Quality Craftsmanship Begins with the Selection of the Right Kind of Steel Brass and Copper
Whether your problem is with a kitchen appliance like a microwave or a shelving unit in a warehouse, it is important to note that some of the highest quality products begin with the use of the most durable thin sheet metal and aluminum materials. Consider some of these facts and figures about the available thin sheet metals and other combined metals that are a part of both the products we use every day, as well as the buildings we live and work in and the vehicles we rely on for transportation:
- The metal fabrication industry was projected to grow by 9% from 2016 to 2026, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. These numbers, of course, may be directly impacted by the latest health crisis and the condition of the economy.
- The metal fabrication industry is projected to add 12,000 jobs to the sector over this decade, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. Finding a way to make sure that those jobs are being used to produce the most critical items that are needed, of course, is going to be one of the biggest challenges.
- The sheet metal market is expanding globally at a continuous average growth rate of 4.09%. This growth was projected from the years 2018 to 2022.
- In a time when the economy is struggling, there is some comfort knowing that sheet metal currently accounts for about $30 billion in U.S. revenue.
- Another advantage of thin sheet metal and other similar products is that they are environmentally friendly. In fact, nearly 69% of all steel, more than 80 million tons, is recycled in North America each year.
- The primary metals most frequently purchased by consumers include aluminum in bar, tube, sheet, or plate form; hot or cold rolled steel; and stainless steel.
- There were 138,900 sheet metal workers in the U.S. in 2016, but as the nation enters a new era where the ability to disinfect everything becomes more important there is reason to believe that everything from thin sheet metals to many kinds of stainless steel will be in even higher demand.