Smart building technology is alive and well, and as the attached video suggests, it may also be coming to a building near you. Yes, there are smart home systems, and we have many voice-activated features, from our lighting, to our heating and cooling systems, and our locks, but smart building technology is smart home systems on steroids, and then some.
From understanding your personal preferences to managing every vital system to accommodate you while optimizing aspects such as air quality, to optimizing heating and cooling costs, smart building technology offers more than creature comfort – a lot more. And smart building technology isn’t just a concept, it is an idea being actualized all over the world, and it is gaining in popularity and usage.
In 2024, we can expect to see more smart building technology applications rising all around us, and you may have already experienced it without ever knowing. If you were in a building recently that felt comfortable, fresh and well ventilated, and inviting, then it could have been a building powered by smart home technology.
Don’t look now, but smart building technology is the next big thing in the building industry, and it may be coming to a building near you – if it hasn’t already.