Somewhere along the line we forgot that we do not all have to be the same. As educators across the country face the ever increasing demands put on students by standardized tests and college entrance exams, it is important to realize that the most successful world is made up of all kinds of people. In order for our society to succeed, in fact, we need all kinds of workers from skilled laborers to medical technicians to computer software engineers.
Unfortunately, if your children are in a school district that is hyper focused on ACT and SAT scores, you may not be able to find the perfect fit for a student who does not to, or cannot, be college ready. For many students, the answer lies in going to a trade school that can provide training in very specific skills.
Engineering Skills Are Useful in Many Industries
Finding a way to channel both your interests and your talents can help you find a career that you love. For instance, mastering the widely adopted and standardized quality management system for the aerospace industry AS9100c can help you be very employable. And whether that skill set is mastered after an undergraduate degree at a liberal arts college followed by a masters in engineering or in a 24 month trade school, those As9100c skills will be extremely marketable. First released in October of 1999 by the Society of Automotive Engineers and the European Association of Aerospace Industries, this management system requires a specific set of background knowledge and specific training.
Understanding what is silicon iron bronze and what is stainless steel, as well as being able to easily distinguish between the two may not be important to everyone’s career, but if you are someone who needs to understand how to work with different types of alloys you the makeup of different metals is important.
Carbon steel, aluminum, copper, and stainless steel are four of the most common metals used in the construction industry, so it is not surprising that some trade school training courses focus on this information. And while you might initially think you know what kind of career you want to enter, the fact of the matter is that these kinds of skills and information are used in a variety of industries, including working with laboratory equipment, jet engine parts, boat fittings, food and pharmaceutical processing equipment, and chemical containers.
In a time when America is looking for a way to be competitive in a number of fields and markets it is important to realize that not everyone is the same and not everyone needs to have the exact same kind of plans after graduation. From understanding the details of manipulating as9100c measurements to working with welding materials, there are some careers that depend on the specific training provided by a job internship or a trade school.