There’s a quiet transformation happening in home design and construction. Architects, home designers, builders and contractors are starting to focus on energy efficiency, ventilation and indoor air quality to build homes that are more ecofriendly and healthier for the people who live in them. Insulation is the key, and spray foam insulation is turning out to be a favorite method. Spray foam equipment can be customized for each contractor, with spray foam rigs, foundation supports and concrete lifting rigs.
The high cost of energy consumption in buildings
It’s no secret that our reliance on fossil fuels has had a devastating impact on the environment, leading to unprecedented levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. The U.S. is second only to China in the consumption of energy worldwide. About 82% of this energy comes from fossil fuels. In 2016 alone, the U.S. consumed 2,272.7 million metric tons of oil. Buildings account for a large chunk of this energy usage.
Residential, commercial and public buildings use energy for lighting, heating and cooling. For just industrial and commercial buildings, the annual energy bills come to around $400 billion. Over half of the energy is used for heating and cooling. For residential buildings, over 56% of the total energy usage is due to heating and cooling, according to the Department of Energy. The problem is not only the high level of energy consumption, but also that this can be very inefficient and wasteful, given current building designs.
Building energy efficient homes
Leaks and drafts leading to loss of heated or cooled air reduce the energy efficiency of existing buildings. It is estimated that improving energy efficiency by just 10% in commercial buildings alone would lead to an annual saving of around $40 billion. This can be done by sealing air leaks and adding insulation. According to the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) Energy Star Program, this could reduce energy bills by 20% every month.
All of this adds up to a challenge for home designers and builders, and they have taken it on. Custom home builders and all kinds of home construction contractors – spray foam insulation contractors, insulation contractors, batt and cellulose contractors, drywall contractors, air barrier contractors, home energy performance contractors and HVAC contractors are all looking for ways to make homes more energy efficient.
Insulation is the key
Better home insulation and ventilation hold the key to making homes more energy efficient and healthier. The focus is on stopping air leaks while maintaining indoor air quality. Spray foam insulation equipment, which includes everything from spray foam guns to concrete lifting rigs, is a favorite method to achieve better insulation.
Many suppliers will build custom spray foam rigs, with everything from reactor and fusion guns to concrete lifting rigs, which make it possible to add insulation to existing structures. It is the ecofriendly alternative, which is another reason why home builders are choosing this option.
Making homes more energy efficient is fast becoming a central concern for home builders and contractors. Stopping air leaks and adding insulation can help reduce energy consumption noticeably. This reduces energy bills and also helps the environment by cutting down on fossil fuel usage.