This video from 360 Electric shares three tips with you if you are ready to become a commercial electrical contractor. If you are ready to go out on your own there are a few things you can and should do that will help you to find the success that you deserve.
This video takes you through the steps you should take before you even file for your commercial electrical contractor license. The founder of 360 Electric addresses some of the marketing tips and tricks that he learned when starting this successful business.
Most electricians that are planning on going out on their own understand everything that they need to about electric work, creating estimates, billing, and more, but they do not understand how simple marketing steps play into their success. These free tips from a successful electrical contractor business owner can even the playing field and set your business up for success.
Before you name your new business before you apply for your license before you decide on a phone number for your business, watch this video. It contains some important information that you likely have not even considered. These tips will change how you name your business and put you on the path to marketing that works for you.