Trade shows and other promotional events are a great place to promote your business and network with others. It’s a chance to put together a killer booth and show everyone what you have to offer. However, since you won’t be the only company there it’s a good idea to find some ways to make your tradeshow booth stand out among the crowd. With the helpful tips below you can create a booth that will look great and easily grab attention.
Personalize Your Pop Up Tent
Personalized pop up tents are a great way to grab attention from a distance. You can adorn it with eye catching colors and company designs that will make it pop in the line of other tents. It will also help to make your brand’s name and logo stick in the mind’s of people who see it. Plain tents don’t offer any kind of excitement or clues to passerby, but one that is customized to fit your brand will provide both.
Make It Fun
Draw people in and then get them to stay with fun games and activities. You can do quizzes or play games with those who stop at your booth and create a chance to really engage them. This is also a wonderful opportunity to create a positive and lasting impression on potential customers.
Use Tabletop Displays and Banners
Tabletop displays and banners are customizable and can be made to represent your business in any way you please. High quality photos and designs will help to draw curious eyes to your booth and make a great first impression. You definitely don’t want to skimp when it comes to having these items designed, because poor graphic design is a quick way to push people away rather than draw them in.
Have Useful Promotional Items
People love free stuff, but they love it even more if it’s something they will actually use. Create a set of promotional items to give out at your booth that will create buzz throughout the convention center. You want to choose items that will make people ask each other, “where did you get that?”
In the end it’s all about being unique, useful, or fun. If you can manage a combination of all three then you’re really doing well. Brain storm some ideas on how you can offer those three things to potential customers to get the best possible results.