If you own a business where your workers are driving on the clock, it’s time to contact a commercial comprehensive insurance company. You don’t want to be responsible in the event an auto accident occurs on your watch. Thankfully, commercial insurance companies offer auto insurance options for business owners to protect them from being held liable in the event a worker and/or a vehicle is hurt or damaged.
Commercial auto insurance doesn’t just cover you in the event of damage or an accident. It also covers you in the event a business vehicle is broken into, stolen from, or physically damaged on purpose by an intruder. Weather damage can also be covered if hail leaves large dents, a tree falls on your vehicle during a storm, or another incident occurs.
You never know when something is going to happen when one of your employees is driving a company vehicle on the clock. You don’t want to be held liable in the event someone or something is hurt and it’s out of your control. Instead, take the precaution and purchase commercial auto insurance with the help of a commercial comprehensive insurance company. You’ll be happy you did!