Search marketing, which has been in existence since 1995 when Yahoo!, AltaVista and Ask.com appeared as search engines, has been increasingly more popular with each passing year. About 90 percent of marketing agencies and consultants use content marketing, which is closely associated with search marketing, for their business clients, whether these companies know it or it. And increasingly, they are adopting franchise marketing solutions for the customers who ask for them.
A franchise consultant with marketing expertise is strictly tasked with either franchising an operation or with assisting franchises new and old in strengthening their brands and getting their names out there. With a franchise consultant, a franchise could improve its brand marketing impact while simultaneously hitting the clients it wishes to hit through various optimization efforts that exist online and in the general marketplace. With the assistance of a franchise consultant or brand marketing agency, that franchise too could get more leads through blogging opportunities that make themselves apparent through the average franchise and brand consulting firm.
Ever since the country’s first magazine was published in Philadelphia in 1751, marketing and branding has existed either indirectly or perhaps more directly. And since that time too, technology has come into the foreground, replacing traditional marketing solutions with online ones that are transforming the myriad ways in which companies and franchises can expand. The Pew Internet and American Life Project, for instance, found that 90 percent of owners of smart phones use their devices to surf the web.