A commercial dewatering system serves many purposes, and solves many problems. Construction site dewatering helps ensure safety of workers and keeps the construction project on target for getting done. Dewatering can be done a variety of ways and the where the water goes varies as well. Read below to learn more about the dewatering process, why it’s done and what you should know about it.
Why is Dewatering Important?
A commercial dewatering system is used to remove excess water. This water sometimes accumulates in trenches or other low lying places without adequate slopes to help the water drain off. Dewatering systems remove this water for the safety of those working in the area. Proper planning and execution for construction dewatering projects is vital otherwise delays will occur.
How is Dewatering Done?
The process of dewatering can be done in one of several ways. Excluding the water from getting to the construction site can be beneficial. This is done by developing channels that encourage water to drain away from the site. Water pumping is a popular commercial dewatering system used on construction sites. This method involves pumping the water directly into wells located near the area. Sometimes when all other methods are not feasible dewatering can include the water being transported in a tank. The water is pumped into the these tanks then transported to an off site disposal location. This method is typically reserved for instances when the water is extremely contaminated and possible vegetation or water contamination is possible. Many tanks are usually needed leading to this being an expensive way to remove water.
What Problems can Arise?
As with any procedure there are certain precautions that should be exercised so that problems don’t arise. Where the water drains is important. How long the project is expected to last should be considered. Some projects can last a year, therefore it might be necessary to determine multiple pumping locations. Commercial dewatering systems handling contaminated water should be pumped with caution, so that the contaminated water doesn’t reach drinking water sources. Of all the water on earth only 1% is able to be drank, therefore extreme caution not to contaminate that water is vital. Temperatures and seasons can affect the dewatering process as well. Rainy seasons will produce more water and cold seasons can affect pumping abilities.
Can the Water be Recycled?
Not all commercial dewatering systems include disposing of the water. Sometimes the water collected and removed can be used for other purposes around the construction site. Water may be stored and reserved for landscaping towards the end of the finished product. Even if the finished project has no need for the water, areas surrounding the construction project may benefit from the water. Nearby farms can use the water for irrigation purposes. In instances like this it is extremely important to ensure that the water is safe for use and not contaminated.
Disposing of the water is as important as removing it. About 70% of waste from industrial sites goes directly into bodies of water which in turn affects drinking water. Special care should be taken to ensure that drinking water is not contaminated with the use of commercial dewatering systems. Careful preparation and planning can ensure successful dewatering without affecting nearby water sources.