In the United States, Americans rely on many different industries. The medical industry helps individuals prevent sickness, or become healthy once again. The construction industry assists people in building their homes, offices, or businesses they may own. The food industry helps individuals receive their food and drink that they need to survive. The chemical industry (includes chemical engineers, scientists, and lab chemists- just to name a few) helps the United States’ economy. Essentially, the chemical industry converts raw materials, such as oil, natural gas, water, and metals into 70,000 different creations. Needless to say, the chemical industry is necessary in our country. In fact, the United States is one of the top steel-producting industries with over 142,000 employees. Because of this, and our need for the chemical industry, it is imperative that the products these employees use work efficiently and effectively. If you work for a chemical company, here’s one of the best tanks for storage.
Stainless Steel Chemical Tanks
A stainless steel chemical tank falls under the category of chemical holding tanks. These tanks hold many different substances, including, but not limited to, chemicals, gas, water, food, and other materials. It’s understandable that stainless steel is used for chemical holding tanks, because steel has been used for over 150 years, for purposes like transporting water. Although you may assume that stainless steel chemical tanks are the more basic chemical holding tanks, but this is not the case. These chemical holding tanks are becoming more prevalent in the chemical industry, as a matter of fact. Stainless steel storage tanks, come in many variations or options. Here’s some advantages which explain why these tanks may be the best for you storage needs.
Custom Tanks: Chemical tanks made out of stainless steel are different than other chemical holding tanks. They are, in fact, very unique. Steel is a product that can be molded into various shapes. Steel is a product that can be bent. And, steel is a product that can be rolled. Whichever you choose (and tell the manufacturer)- molding, bending, or rolling, these tanks can achieve all of your needs in the chemical industry. Additionally, you can choose (in terms of design) different lengths, heights, and diameters. This is ideal because you’ll need appropriate sized chemical holding tanks for your storage needs.
Durable: There are various types of steel aside from stainless steel. There are actually four common types of metal: carbon steel, stainless steel, aluminum, and copper. However, stainless steel is the more ideal choice compared to carbon steel. To be more specific, stainless steel resists corrosion better than carbon steel. Their corrosion resistance achievement makes stainless steel very durable. In turn, because stainless steel is very durable, they are long lasting! In addition, stainless steel is also ideal if you’re storing your chemical holding tanks outside. These tanks ensure that your tanks are not affecting by various weather conditions, such as rain.
Long Lasting: As mentioned previously, stainless steel tanks are long lasting. Their longevity occurs because they can withstand many temperatures, especially low temperatures. Stainless steel tanks also find it difficult to be damaged on the surface level (paint coatings), because they are barely affected by UV lights. Stainless steel tanks are tanks that last long, in fact, longer than carbon steel tanks.
Recyclable: If you are passionate about caring for the environment, and you’re in the chemical industry, than stainless steel chemical tanks are the best tanks for your storage needs. Stainless steel tanks are easy to recycle, and recycling helps our environment!
Temperature: The last advantage or benefit that makes stainless steel chemical tanks an ideal tank, is temperature. For many chemical storage tanks, they need to be able to handle various temperatures and temperature changes. However, carbon steel tanks and other stainless steel can not withstand temperature changes. These tanks specifically cannot handle lower temperatures. Because of this, they crack and fracture. This then destroys all your chemical storage needs. Stainless steel chemical tanks can withstand the lowest of temperatures. They do not crack or fracture. In fact, these tanks can work successfully in places like the arctic. Therefore, if you need a tank that can still do its job in cold temperatures, stainless steel is ideal.