Every adult knows that the workplace can cause stress. It may surprise some to learn that some of that stress is caused not by a fear of reprisal, but of illness. Nearly 100% of workers fear that they will catch a virus at work. This is largely driven by a belief that the average workplace is rarely cleaned to an acceptable degree. For the average worker, this is old news, however the average business owner would likely prefer to change this perception. An easy way to do this is hire a cleaning service.
It’s Not the Clutter: Why Actually Disinfecting the Office Matters.
A dirty office desk is not just unsightly. It has been found that the average dirty desk can be nearly 400 worse than a toilet in terms of germ contamination. Clearly, it is absolutely necessary to disinfect frequently used surfaces in the office space. But people have become more aware of the harmful chemical compounds commonly used in cleaning solutions. The trend now is to avoid harsh cleaning solutions, and instead use more natural, gentler methods seen with the benefits of green cleaning.
How Do Green Cleaning Services Differ From Other Office Cleaning Services?
The cleaning website Tidy.com claims that determining if a cleaning service is green is fairly simple, in that the service must use green products. The benefits of green cleaning products are numerous. For example, green cleaning products are known for having a mild to no scent leftover after application, unlike their counterparts. A green cleaning service will make this feature of their company clear, as operating as a green cleaning company does take some dedication.
Why Are Green Cleaning Services Preferable?
Strong odors are commonly cited as causing headaches. Workers who are sensitive to smell may appreciate a workplace without a strong chemical odor from cleaning products. The benefits of green cleaning services are most predominately the lack of smell, followed closely by the removal of potential allergens. Cleaning products leave a residue unless the surface is rinsed after application, which is almost never done. The residue may cause a reaction if someone with sensitive skin touches it. This can easily come about if the object was a disinfected office phone.
To find a green cleaning service, an online search may make the process easier. Dedicated green cleaning services will have a GS-49 certification, which requires nearly eight hours of training in green cleaning practices. The right cleaning service will have been in the industry for some time, hopefully practicing green techniques from the start. It is also a good idea to ask for a list of all products the service uses, as well the products and ingredients they do not use.